5 Ways to Create a Spa-Like Bathroom

Do you know that feeling when you walk into a spa and instantly feel relaxed because of the tranquil and visually pleasing environment? Well, this same feeling can be achieved at home! Think about your favorite spa. Why do you love it? What color scheme do they use, and what style is the decor? What does it smell like? If you have never been to a spa, think about one that you have perhaps seen in a magazine. What appealed to you about it? You can use these images as inspiration to create your own space. No expensive renovations are necessary. You can evoke the same feeling in your space by making simple adjustments.

#1 Use tranquil colors

Keeping the color scheme in the bathroom simple and tranquil looks chic and high-end. Think white fluffy towels, a white orchid on the counter for an accent (a realistic faux one is ok), and matte black soap pumps.

#2 Clear counters

For a spa-like feel, eliminate the visual clutter from your bathroom countertops. Keep products in a drawer or cabinet. It is also helpful to edit your products periodically to eliminate those that are expired or that you don’t use. Place your hand soap and lotion into dispensers such as this one.

#3 Uniform containers

Unless all of your products are from the same brand and have a chic-looking bottle, your shower products are most likely adding to visual clutter. The simple solution is to get a set of containers that are all the same to transfer your products into. Many options on the market have labels, so you don’t have to make them yourself.

#4 Ambiance

Lighting is key for ambiance. If possible, put your lighting on a dimmer switch. Also, add some non-toxic soy or beeswax candles. Take a candlelit shower at the end of the day. It is a great way to unwind, and it feels so luxurious. You can even add some relaxing music to enhance the experience. I love putting on some Spanish guitar.

#5 Products

Lovely-smelling products that are scented using natural botanicals are best. You can tell when a product uses synthetic fragrance; it doesn’t feel or smell luxurious. Synthetic fragrances can also cause headaches and trigger allergies.

What are some of your favorite ways to create a spa-like bathroom? Let me know in the comments!

Ashley Peacock

Ashley is a feng shui and holistic home expert providing educational content and personalized consultations. She is currently based in Ibiza, Spain.


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