5 Signs that Your Home Has Good Feng Shui

A property can have positive feng shui without you doing anything at all. Here are a few signs that you may be blessed with a good feng shui house.

#1 You sleep well and feel rested in the morning

Although more factors influence why a person may or may not be sleeping well besides feng shui, most likely, if the feng shui of a property is off, it would be tough to sleep well.

#2 You feel relaxed in your home and love being there

If your home has good energy, you will also feel good, and when you feel good, you can achieve your goals and complete day-to-day activities more effectively. Those with this experience also tend to experience more harmony in the family dynamic. Visitors will most likely respond positively to being in your home as well, and you may notice that you get compliments on how good it feels to be in your house.

#3 Money flows into your life more than it flows out

Money is an energy exchange, and everything is connected. If the areas in your home that energetically represent money are blocked, you may struggle to attract and keep your money. When opportunities to make money seem to fall in your lap, this can indicate that the energy is flowing optimally in your home.

#4 You rarely feel “stuck” or experience difficulty completing projects

Often, feeling blocked can be traced to a blockage somewhere in the home. If you rarely experience this, you most likely have a good feng shui home.

#5 You attract healthy and fulfilling relationships

If you have a good feng shui house, you will rarely experience significant relationship troubles. Conflict will be rare, and if there are conflicts, you are able to resolve and overcome them through good communication.

If you read this and realize that you don’t experience many of these things in your life, do not worry. Most people don't. However, you may want to consider seeking out the guidance of a professional feng shui consultant. Feng Shui doesn’t fix all life’s problems, but it can help to make your life a little easier.

x Ashley

Ashley Peacock

Ashley is a feng shui and holistic home expert providing educational content and personalized consultations. She is currently based in Ibiza, Spain.


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